As the old proverb (sort of) goes, "Give a man some sushi, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to roll his own sushi, and you feed him for a lifetime." Okay, so we modernized it a bit, but the message is clear, and with this sushi class, it's ringing loudly. For $185, you'll learn to make sushi from the Queen of Sushi with The Art of Making Sushi with Madame Saito. In this six-part, one-night course at The HeadHouse restaurant, you'll create two hoso (regular) maki rolls, one ura (reverse) maki rolls, one temaki (hand) rolls, a shrimp and fish tempura roll, 20 pieces of nigiri sushi (fish on rice) and sashimi ( Only Fish). This class is great for those with sushi-making skills of all levels. Take a date for an adventurous outing, or save this seductive skill for a night in -- either way, it's sure to be an educational (and aphrodisiacal) evening.